Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Spending Time

My colleague Undi has an interesting hobby, if you can call it that. I have teased him as a person who has prioritas tidak jelas (unclear priority), with a peculiar inkling towards books especially in their handling.

Like most people who love books, he can’t resist from buying books. Yet unlike most people who love books, he worships books to the extent that he would copy his own books and read the copies instead. For treasured books, he would scan them, save them in his external hard drive, print copies of the scan, and read the copies.

I asked him this morning why he would bother doing that, considering the time and effort it takes. He said it’s mainly for safekeeping. In case all his books burn down, he still have multiple copies, both soft and hard. Hard core obsession if you ask me.

But then this remind me of a comment another friend made after reading my blog recently. He said that I should be spending the time instead to read journals to extend my own learning, which is what he would do in his spare time.

Same finite spare time, different choices. I guess we all have some obsessions which others would find peculiar, or simply a waste of time. Does it mean some people value their time more than others? Or is the way we spend our time reflect our values in life?


Anonymous said...

I wish I could 'demystify' your Modernist mind of thinking that you could actually 'spend time'...'consume time'...'time as limited resource/entity'.

Writing a book, .. a journal entry ... any acts of writing ... are activities to go beyond the finite understanding of time, to immortalize some part of us, our ideas, our memory. But my path is different, I'm only the vehicle for those ideas,those texts (of the books that I scanned) to sail through time. I'm become one with the time itself.

my act is the act of sublimation ...



Dewi Susanti said...

If you solely see yourself as "only the vehicle for those ideas", why are you writing then? ;)

Meditation may be the ultimate act to become one with time. Perhaps it's a subliminal call? :p

Anyway, if it's not clear from the post, I shouldn't have questioned your choice. I just find it rather mindboggling.