Sunday, September 24, 2006

Libraries as Doors

A competition brief for City of Stockholm public library:
“Libraries should be door-openers showing visitors new ways of learning and experiencing, as well as maintaining and reinforcing their own cultural capital in a variety of ways.” [Added italics].
Contrast that with this comment from Raynata:

"... Have you gone the library now? Now we've to leave all our stuff in the locker... "

in this posting. In this case, the library is door-closers showing visitors only one way of learning and experiencing: you have to belong to the university and you must relinquish all your belongings to access it :)


Anonymous said...

I'm not really sure what's wrong with leaving all your belongings at the locker. I did the same in the university library in Cambridge, UK.

Anonymous said...


You got me there! I’m biased obviously :) My problem is not so much on putting stuff in locker, but on having close door policy. I was just trying to find yet another excuse to gripe about this :)