Sunday, July 08, 2007

One Degree of Separation, Virtually

We blog for different reasons, one of the main ones is to share our ideas with the wider public instantly, or almost as soon as we come up with the ideas. And it seems that this desire to publish may link with the vanity to know how far our ideas spread and influence other people which, with the help of search engines, is not that hard to track.

Take for example Puspa mentioned Greg Mankiw, who tracked down the post through a search engine, and created link to Puspa's post, which later being linked to Muli's (Puspa's brother) post here – where I found out about the circuitous linkage.

Or my own quotation of Paulo Coelho in an article for The Jakarta Post, who tracked down the internet link and post this in his own blog, which I tracked down through another search engine, and create this post to link it back to Coelho’s post.

Has six degree of separation been reduced down to one degree of separation in the virtual world of great wide web with internet as an interface? The Wikipedia post doesn't seem to suggest so.

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